Your home has a lot to say about you.
If you have a young family, you’ll have a quiet escape.
If your career is high-pressure, your lights may be dimmer. If you have a lot of good friends, the evidence will be in your kitchen. In a beautifully curated space, you’ll feel enabled and recharged, understood and welcomed.
We bring these relationships between people and interiors to life.
Our designers take the time to understand the purpose and vision for each square foot, delivering breathtaking results for our clients and a positive impact on the world.

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Construction plans for the chicken coop or garden shed that is attached to an 8x12 greenhouse from BC Greenhouses. Perfect for the backyard enthusiast.
all the plans and elevations for the chicken coop that attaches to the greenhouse, the raised garden beds, and the chicken run including all the measurements.
many construction and chicken coop tips
specifications for the plumbing fixtures, light fixtures, hardware and finishes used in the greenhouse, chicken coop and garden area. Also the feeders and chicken door for the chickens.